The Baby Suite accommodates babies from 3 months to 20 months old. This group is called the LADYBIRDS.
The children are under the care of the baby suite until they are approximately twenty months old. However, if the supervisor feels a child is ready to move group rooms earlier than this to aid their development, then they will discuss this with the parents, and move them through earlier.
Each baby is allocated a key worker, who will be a familiar point of contact for parents and children alike. They will share information with each other regarding the child, providing the best possible care. There is a day book in each room, which details nappy changes, feeds and sleeps for each child, as well as any other additional information parents may need to know. There are named coat pegs, and baskets for storing the childrens’ belongings such as creams, lotions, comforters or personal blankets.
The baby suite is homely, light and airy, with its own milk kitchen for heating milk feeds and baby food.
There are two small cots at one end of the room for babies to rest. Each child will
have their own named bed linen, which is laundered by the nursery. There are also reclining chairs, pushchairs, and individual sleep mats for sleep, following the preference of parents, and the
babys’ routine. There is a comfy area for quiet play, book sharing etc, along with a music system for listening, singing and dancing.
There is a wide variety of toys and play equipment for the children. We aim to provide a full range of visual, sensory and tactile stimulation for the youngest of the babies to enjoy. The staff will plan fun and stimulating activities for the children, using the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework.
Weather permitting, the babies will be taken outside during each day, where they will have sole use of the outdoor area.